English tutor Will Knowland was sacked for putting together a lecture 'criticising the radical feminist orthodoxy' which he has subsequently refused to remove from his personal Youtube channel.
Mr Knowland is appealing the school's decision, with a disciplinary panel reportedly set to consider the matter on Tuesday.
Eton have not divulged their exact reasoning for the sacking, but the Daily Mail reported the following:
'In a letter to parents, the headmaster insisted that the importance of 'independent thinking and intellectual freedom' was 'non-negotiable' at Eton – but added that he wanted boys and staff to treat other's differences with 'mutual respect'.
He refused to comment in detail on the sacking of Mr Knowland, who has attracted tens of thousands of pounds in donations towards a tribunal.'
On the other side of this debate are, Toby Young's Free Speech Union, the students themselves who are petitioning for Mr. Knowland's reinstatement and much of the public who have been donating to the former teachers' crowdfund.
Watch the offending lecture below, and let us know in our poll what you make of it.
